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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Calendar Items

  • Tuesday, January 7: Students return to school; regular release at 3:20 p.m.
  • Wednesday, January 8: Early release at 1:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, January 9: Early release at 1:30 p.m.
  • Friday, January 10: PAWS Meeting at 8:40 in Room 33; Last day of school in the old Wasatch
  • Monday, January 13: ONLINE Learning Day
  • Tuesday, January 14: ONLINE Learning Day
  • Wednesday, January 15:  First day of school in the NEW building (1006 N. Locust Lane) Parents are welcome to walk students to their new classrooms between 8:30-10:30 a.m. Please enter through the main doors (west side of the school). For parents dropping off students, please use the drop-off area in front of the school (west side). The north drop-off area is reserved for school buses and kindergarten pick-up and drop-off.  Students who need to eat breakfast the first day, should enter through the main doors after 8:10 a.m. There will be no morning supervision on the playground the first day of school.  The map for carpool drop-off and pick-up is linked at the end of this message.

January 6, 2025

Dear Wasatch Families,

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season! We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. It’s hard to believe we will be leaving our current Wasatch building in just a matter of days. In order to accommodate the move and change of buildings, there is a lot of important information to share with all of you. Please review the calendar items and some reminders that are included below.

  • The school building and playground will be open daily at 8:10 a.m.  Please do not drop off students before 8:10 a.m. They will be unsupervised and the playground gates will be locked.
  • Students arriving between 8:10-8:30 a.m. should go to the playground where we will have supervisors watching students until the first bell rings at 8:30 a.m. Students will line up OUTSIDE at 8:30 and teachers will pick them up and walk them to class. Playground gates will be locked at 8:35 a.m. Students arriving at school after this time will need to enter the building though the main doors.
  • All parents or approved adults listed in PowerSchool, will be required to show a PHOTO I.D. to check out a student or to enter the building. Parents are required to walk to the office and check out their students. Parents will not be allowed to call ahead of time and check out a student. Please support our office staff in adhering to these safety procedures. Even if we know you personally, you will be required to bring and show a photo I.D. 

On Friday, January 10

We will have a school assembly for students to go over the new safe routes and procedures for getting to school as well as celebrate Satch’s birthday. This presentation will be emailed to all parents on January 10th. We will also have a photo taken of our student body and staff outside the front of the building at 1:00 p.m. Have your student wear a school t-shirt or school colors.

If you requested a chromebook for your child for at home, online learning days, the chromebook and charger will be sent home on Friday. Please have your child return the chromebook and charger to school on Wednesday, January 15. 

January 13 & 14

All ONLINE LEARNING (at home) instruction and directions can be accessed and found on the school website after January 10, 2025 for all teachers and grade levels. Teachers will be available if needed from 11:00-12:00 via Zoom, email or phone to answer questions on both online learning days. 

The next few weeks are full of changes and we recognize that change can be hard for some students. We have activities planned that we hope will make the first day of school in the new building exciting and memorable. Thank you to our Safety and Security committee for all of their work in creating new safe routes to school and sharing this information with the community. A huge shout out to Jeanne Pratt, her custodial staff and our awesome teachers. The preparation for the move and change has been a great team effort. We are sincerely grateful to each of you for your understanding and patience during this mid-year move!

Exciting days are ahead of us! Thank you for your continued support of “the best school in the land.”

Ruth Ann Snow, Principal

Carpool Circulation Map


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Sign-ups are now open for our Wasatch Elementary Choir. The choir is open to 3rd-6th graders. Choir will begin on Tuesday, January 28 at 7:35. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from...
