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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Wasatch

5th Grade – Dani Beck

Por qué me gusta enseñar

No two days are ever alike, students are the BEST to work with, and it is amazing all the opportunities that life can bring when people have a good education. I am all for people having more options in life so they can choose to do what they love and are passionate about:)

Mis favoritos

  • Temporada: Fall
  • Comida: I like all good food, I am a terrible cook
  • Color: Purple and Red
  • Animal: Sharks!! Wobbegong, Epaulette & Puffadder Shyshark
  • Asunto: All of them! They are all interconnected, but I do especially love messy science, math, and art
  • Libro: Wednesday Wars, True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, So Far From the Bamboo Grove, and Matilda are all books that I have read at least a half a dozen times…and there are lots more really good books 🙂

Sobre mí

I like sharks, puzzles, drawing, listening to music, and most of all- getting to spend every day with such amazing students!

Dato curioso

I have a cat who acts more like a dog – he drools when he is happy, follows his human around, comes when called, likes to lick people, loves being pet, and gets jealous of inanimate objects that are occupying his human’s attention-lol!

Mi héroe

I’m Christian, so that definitely affects who my hero is, but if we are going for a secular person…it would be Bernie Webber and Ray Sybert from the 1950’s Coast Guard rescue.

Decorative Meet the Teacher Flyer

0 Acciones

Únase a nosotros para las Conferencias SEP (Conferencias de Padres y Maestros) del miércoles 13 al viernes 15 de noviembre. Esperamos discutir el progreso de su estudiante con usted. Recordatorio: Los estudiantes...

Le invitamos a apoyar a su Biblioteca Wasatch visitando nuestra Feria del Libro de Otoño. Esta es una gran oportunidad para construir su biblioteca en casa y / o para comprar regalos. Fechas y Horarios de la Feria del Libro Lunes,...

La Feria del Libro de Otoño de Wasatch Elementary será del lunes 4 al viernes 8 de noviembre y necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a partir de la próxima semana. Si usted tiene tiempo disponible sería...
