Ayúdanos a limpiar los objetos perdidos
We need your help to ensure that students reclaim their belongings.
Please Check our Lost and Found
We urge all parents and children to visit the Lost and Found area as soon as possible. This is a great opportunity for students to take home items that belong to them—whether it’s jackets, lunch boxes, water bottles, or other personal belongings.
Labeling Items is Key
To make the process easier for everyone, we recommend that parents help their children write their names on the collars or tags of clothing and personal items. This small step can make a big difference! By clearly labeling belongings, we can quickly return lost items to their rightful owners, reducing the number of items that remain unclaimed.
Please note that we will soon be packing up unclaimed items to donate. We want to ensure that as many items as possible find their way back to students before this happens.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us manage our Lost and Found. Together, we can keep our school community organized and ensure that lost items find their way home.