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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

(Applications are due to the office by May 17, 2023 )

General Information

1. About Kindness Club

The purpose of the Kindness Club is to create a culture of kindness in our school, district, and community. It promotes inclusion, compassion, care, and service. While any student in the school can be a part of the kindness club and participate in school-wide kindness activities, this application is for the kindness club. . If selected, kindness club members meet regularly to plan, lead, and carry-out the activities for the school and community. Kindness club members will be open to all students who want to join (1st-6th grade).

Kindness Club will be held during lunch next school year 2023-2024.

2. Application Process

Interested students may pick up an application in the office. Former Kindness Club members must also complete an application. Consisting of the following 4 items.

  • a. Personal rating
  • b. Essay
  • c. Service Log
  • d. Signature page and commitment agreement.

This application must be completed and returned to the office by May 17, 2023.

All applicants will be reviewed by Ms. Gledhill along with teacher feedback. You will be notified of the decision at the beginning of next school year.

3. Positions

There will be representatives from each grade as Kindness Leaders. We do not know until after reviewing all applications what number of students from each grade we will take.

4. Parent Information Email

There will be a parent information email sent out for all elected Kindness Club members and their parents. Parents and guardians, you are more than welcome to contact me, Lindsay Gledhill, if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. I am the school social worker; my e-mail is and my office number is 801-374-4910 ext: 2818.


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