If your student is going to be late or absent from school please call the School Attendance Line at 801-374-4911 and leave a message detailing the absence before 8:45 am.
Wasatch Elementary Hours of Operation
Daily School Schedule 1ST-6TH GRADE M–Th 8:40 – 3:20 & Fri 8:40 – 1:30 FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-3:20 & F 8:40-1:30 HALF-DAY AM KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-11:45 & F 8:40-10:45
Welcome to the 2024/2025 PAWS Board! We are excited to work with you on the PAWS Board! This year, the PAWS Presidency is Lacy Forston as President, Tanei Henry as Co-President, Maggie Mackintosh as...
We are committed to bringing unique learning opportunities to all of our students, and we are pleased to reintroduce our free reading service, which provides digital books through Sora, the student...
Sign-ups are now open for our Wasatch Elementary Choir. The choir is open to 3rd-6th graders. Choir will begin on Tuesday, September 3. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 7:35-8:20, in...
We need AT LEAST one Room Rep per class. If there are already two signed up and you'd still like to help, please feel free to insert another line of text and add your name! Come to the Room Rep...
Even if you qualified for meal benefits last school year, you must complete an application for the upcoming school year. Apply online now for 2024-25 school year meals....
Parent Orientation Meetings (all grades) Choose a time below that works best for you. Please note Kindergarten will only hold 2 sessions at 3 and 3:30 (just choose one time to come)* 2:00-2:20...
I’m excited to be returning to my roots at Wasatch as your new Principal! My Wasatch experience started as a parent volunteer and community council member over 25 years ago when each of my four...
I hail from rural Arizona, and came from the corporate world to teach elementary and middle school gifted, and high school business and technology. I moved from the heat of the Sonoran Desert to the...
On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, class placements for students in Grades 1-6 will be available on PowerSchool. As you know, at Wasatch we provide quality educational programs for all children in all grade...