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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School


Safety and Security Updates

  1. Doors open at 8:00 for students eating breakfast.
  2. Parents have to check-in at the office to walk students to class after the 8:30 a.m. bell.
  3. We will need evacuation backpacks for the new building
  4. Mary James- review and approve School Safety Plan


  1. Review and Update Rules of Order and Procedures- Emilie Nelson
  2. Select a new Council Chair and Council Vice-Chair
  3. Proposed Amendment to the current 2024-25 Trustlands Plan
    • Have School Improvement Goals be the same as the Trustlands Plan
      • Increase the percentage of students meeting proficiency on Rise ELA by 5%.
      • Increase the percentage of students meeting proficiency on RISE Math by 5%.
    • Amend proposed expenditures
      • Funding should go toward paying for interventionists
  4. Review Safe Routes- Joy McMurray
  5. School Community Council Training- Ruth Ann Snow

NEXT MEETING: Friday, October 25, 2024 (4th Friday due to Fall Break)

(Digital Safety, Safety Plan, Parent Input Survey, Data Review)


Special Activities Tuesday, March 25 - International food tasting (lunchtime activity) Thursday, March 27 - International country tattoos and face painting (lunchtime activity) Friday, March...

Safety and Security Updates Sinkhole in South Parking Lot: Located in the west corner of the lot. Engineers assessed it and confirmed it is not an engineering issue. Initially, a gush...

Yearbooks ($25) are available now – April 11. Yearbooks include pictures of students and Wasatch Staff, as well as pictures from various activities throughout the year and a page for students to...
