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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Members Present

  • Ruth Ann Snow – Principal
  • Lauren Moon – Instructional Coach
  • Jayne Wells – 2nd Grade Teacher
  • Sara Wursten
  • Elizabeth Combs
  • Joy McMurray
  • Kendall Thurston
  • Kyle Kelley
  • Lacy Forston
  • Amelia Dunlap
  • Emilie Nelson
  • Mary James (came late)

Safety and Security

  • Refining before and after school procedures. If it’s under 24 degrees, we are having inside recess.
  • An engineer, Boyd, will observe our afternoon pickup on Monday to offer recommendations, including signs.
  • We will have our first evacuation drill in the new building next week.
  • Parents have been really good about going through the front door entrance with photo I.D.
  • Suggestion: Can we flip the iPad so it’s easier to check-in?

Safe Routes

  • Sara Wursten started the meeting. Began by talking about safe routes.
  • Because of the changed weather, what door they are supposed to go through is inconsistent.
  • Let everybody in through all doors (east doors, north doors, and front doors) until 8:40 on inside recess days (not just Kinder).
  • Gates won’t be locked until 8:40 (sometimes 8:45 if we see kids coming).
  • Continue with procedures for outside recess days.
  • Kindergarten dismal discussed – trying different options
  • We are having teachers take different groups of people (north group, east group, west group) to different exits at the end of the day.
    • Suggestion: speed limit signs, speed bumps, rumble strips to slow drivers down.
    • Suggestion: on Locust we need some way for parents to know where they are supposed to stop and where they are supposed to drive. Can we do striping since it’s a public road? Could we do signs?
    • Needs to be addressed: On 820 before Locust, parents are dropping their kids off so they don’t have to go on Locust.
    • Suggestion: Can we put cones on the west side of Locust so parents don’t park there?
    • Suggestion: Police presence? Even just a police car?
    • Needs to be addressed: The purpose of the two lanes in front of the school changes as you get to the end of the pick up lanes. People get out of the right lane when they have their student, but then they need to get back into the right lane to turn.
    • Needs to be addressed: Cigarettes and screws/nails on the playground
    • Hazardous Bus Route Designation Procedure – Request a hazardous route through this procedure. Principal Snow can submit the recommended route to Jared. We need to know the deadline for this.
  • Smartwatches: 6th grade has had a few minor issues. We will be trained on approved apps on Chromebooks. Students are getting on Google docs to “chat” with each other.
  • Wasatch Elementary – Outstanding Safe Routes Concerns

Approve the Minutes From Last Month

  • Joy McMurray – Propose to accept the minutes
  • Sara Wursten – Second

Data Dive

  • WA MOY DATA 2024-25 SCC
  • 86% of students are proficient in Acadience Reading for Middle of Year
  • 83% of students made typical, above, or well-above typical growth in Acadience Reading for Middle of Year
  • 85% of students are proficient in Acadience Math for Middle of Year
  • 85% of students made typical, above, or well-above typical growth in Acadience Math for Middle of Year
  • We are in the 70th percentile of students for proficiency for NWEA for Middle of Year
  • We are in the 38th percentile of students for growth for NWEA for Middle of Year
  • Suggestion: Find ways to encourage students to take tests more seriously for End of Year

New Building Concerns

  • Size of library. People feel like shelves should be taller and not as deep.
    • Suggestion: Use collaboration space to store books.
    • Suggestion: If we had bookshelf width vs. cubby width, then more bookshelves will fit in the library.
  • Collaboration spaces are being used and are definitely a benefit for the new school.
    • Suggestion: Find a way to make the grade level spaces more personal.

Special Activities Tuesday, March 25 - International food tasting (lunchtime activity) Thursday, March 27 - International country tattoos and face painting (lunchtime activity) Friday, March...

Safety and Security Updates Sinkhole in South Parking Lot: Located in the west corner of the lot. Engineers assessed it and confirmed it is not an engineering issue. Initially, a gush...

Yearbooks ($25) are available now – April 11. Yearbooks include pictures of students and Wasatch Staff, as well as pictures from various activities throughout the year and a page for students to...
