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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Safety and Security Updates

  • Sinkhole in South Parking Lot:
    • Located in the west corner of the lot.
    • Engineers assessed it and confirmed it is not an engineering issue.
    • Initially, a gush of water was released when pressure was relieved.
    • Further investigation is ongoing.
    • The parking lot will remain closed for the rest of the year.
  • February 2025 Meeting Minutes: Voted and approved by all. Kyle Kelley seconded.

Digital Citizenship – JP Pontious

  • Overview: Discussion on internet filtering, student access, and digital citizenship education.

Presentation: JP has a PowerPoint that can be shared with parents.

  1. Admin Responsibility: Educate the School Community Council on digital safety.
  2. Current Filtering Tools:
    1. Content Keeper: Web filtering appliances and cloud nodes used district-wide.
    2. & Monitor harmful content and manage classroom Chromebooks
      1. Available for parents to monitor student activity off-campus.
  3. Filtering Customization:
    1. Different settings for various grade levels and school types.
    2. Strict default internet filtering for all student populations.
  4. Filtering Policies for Commonly Used Sites:
    1. Policies for YouTube, Google Images, and other frequently used sites were discussed.
  5. Digital Citizenship Education:
    1. Must be taught within the first 45 days of school.
    2. A video or assembly is planned before the end of this school year.
    3. Next year, compliance with the 45-day requirement will be ensured.
  6. Protocol for Inappropriate Content Access:
    1. Students: Reported to site administration.
    2. Employees: Reported to admin, who contacts HR.]
    3. After Hours/Overnight: Two district contacts will notify parents and law enforcement if necessary.
  7. Filtering Adjustments & District Capabilities:
    1. 99% effectiveness in filtering and monitoring.

Planning for Next Year – Ruth Ann

Teacher Survey: Greatest Academic Need → MATH

1. Proposed Trustland Goal #1:

  1. Increase overall proficiency on Math RISE by 2% (grades 3-6) compared to 2025 scores.
  2. Reviewed past three years of scores to identify students just below proficiency.
  3. Voting in April on goals and formal language; final submission in May.
  4. District and state approval required.
  5. Teachers aim to maintain proficient students while bringing up 2-3 students per class.
  6. School Improvement Plan and Trustlands can be adjusted as needed.
  7. No negative consequences for not meeting goals.
  8. Teachers feel 2% is achievable, while 5% is too steep.

2. Proposed Trustland Goal #2: ELA – 1% Improvement

  1. NWEA Testing: Requested for upper grades to provide additional practice for RISE.
  2. Acadience: Predicts success but does not prepare students for RISE.
  3. Keyboarding Instruction:
  4. Maybe removed from standards due to lack of funding for a teacher.
  5. The issue is time constraints, not budget.
  6. Testing Fatigue Considerations:
    1. NWEA may add to testing fatigue.
    2. Possibly scheduling NWEA in May, a month after RISE.
  7. Parent & Student Involvement:
    1. RISE Awareness: Weekly letters from Ruth Ann will include RISE links and schedules.
    2. Encouraging Parents: Kyle Kelley suggested increasing parental involvement in student preparation.
  8. Student Engagement:
    1. Inform students of their past RISE scores.
    2. Help students set and track goals for improvement.

Recommended Expenditures for 2025-26

  • Projected Budget: $89,000
  • Proposed Use of Trustlands Funds:
  • Hire 3-4 interventionists/instructional aides to support literacy and math.
  • The exact number will depend on salary increases for classified staff.
  • District & TSSA Funding:
  • District funds Librarian, Music, PE, etc.
  • TSSA will be used to fund art

Special Activities Tuesday, March 25 - International food tasting (lunchtime activity) Thursday, March 27 - International country tattoos and face painting (lunchtime activity) Friday, March...

Yearbooks ($25) are available now – April 11. Yearbooks include pictures of students and Wasatch Staff, as well as pictures from various activities throughout the year and a page for students to...

The theme this year is “Accepting Imperfection” and the deadline to submit entries is Tuesday, April 22nd. Categories include: Dance Film Literature Music Photography 2D Art 3D...
