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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Community Council Notes 10/25/24

Members Present

  • Jayne Wells – 2nd Grade Teacher
  • Janna Hart – 4th Grade Teacher
  • Ruth Ann Snow – Principal
  • Lauren Moon – Instructional Coach
  • Hallie Prina – Behavior
  • Meg VanWagenen – Provo City School Board Rep
  • Cate Grantham
  • Lacy Forston
  • Sara Wursten
  • Amelia Dunlap
  • Kendall Thurston
  • Kyle Kelley
  • Emilie Nelson
  • Joy McMurray

Safety and Security

  • RAPTOR system
  • New School Best Practices

Approve the minutes from last month

  • Lacy Forstron – Propose to accept the minutes
  • Janna Hart- Second

Digital Safety

  • Do we pay someone for the assembly? Do teachers do it?
  • It hasn’t been done in the last few years. It was a lower priority.
  • Ruth Ann can research some ideas. NetSmart can come ($400ish).
  • Last year they did a video and discussion in class. Kyle likes this idea. Allows for open conversation in the classroom.
  • Ruth Ann will research some options. She will bring options to the next CC meeting.

Current Safe Routes Plan

  • Whatever is in place right now, we should approve that. – Ruth Ann
  • We will redo our Safe Routes Plan when we move.
  • Before November 15th, we need to approve our current safe routes plan.
  • Discussion about having Safe Route posters in hallways for SEPs.
  • QR codes in hallways. It was decided to send electronically instead of paper copies.
  • 1:00pm on Wednesday, October 30th. – special session CC meeting. Meeting all about Safe Routes.
  • Discussion about crosswalks. Will be discussed more in the meeting on Wednesday.
  • We need to communicate to parents how to use the Safe Routes. Make a video? What to do? What not to do? Have parents show students what to do and they get a piece of candy. Make it an obstacle course.
  • Send a signup to parents to see who can help.
  • Kendall, Emilie, and Joy will find priorities for Safe Routes.

Approve the current Safe Routes Plan

  • Ruth Ann moves to approve the current Safe Routes Plan
  • Jayne Wells- second

Parent Survey

  • Some questions include: Do you feel like behavior is taken care of? Do you use the website?
  • Are the questions relevant? What would be valuable for Wasatch?
  • Survey similar for teachers in February.
  • One question for the survey: Do parents feel that their kids are able to make academic progress? Are needs being met, specifically in STEAM?
  • Jayne shared some concerns with having only one STEAM class. If there is a student who should not be with another student, there is no other option. It doesn’t seem equitable. Jayne has written to the School Board. It is on the School Board’s radar.
  • One question for the survey: Why did you choose the track you are on and are you happy?
  • There are consequences with STEAM and DLI. All the students with special needs, students that move around, etc. are usually all in the same class.
  • There is a boundary study because we are under enrolled in elementary schools
  • Would it be beneficial to send to people who are in the school’s boundaries that are going to other schools, private schools, or homeschooling?
  • Discussion on how to find a list of these people. Is there a way in PowerSchool to see who is in Wasatch boundaries, but chose to go to another school in the District? Homeschool?
  • More questions for the survey: Extracurricular activities, what are their favorite subjects, is there a club they don’t have anymore that they wish they had, what type of parent engagement, do they feel like students have friends?
  • Ruth Ann will compile the questions and send it out to the council to get more ideas.


  • Focused on BOY Proficiency
  • Currently 549 students enrolled
  • Multi-Language Learners 8%
  • Demographics are changing in Wasatch boundaries
  • Acadience Reading: 82% of students are at or above benchmark for reading
  • Question was asked: What are the teachers doing for the students who are at benchmark (green)? Answer: Research based interventions and curriculum are being used to support students with what they need. Several at benchmark students are lower in one subskill, so they may be intervened with based on those needs.
  • Discussion on specific grade level differences. Why are some grade levels so much lower than others? Some behaviors create a harder environment for learning.
  • Acadience Math: 77% of students are at or above benchmark for math
  • NWEA Math: 71% are considered High Average and High
  • End Goals: Proficiency for RISE – 65.8% for English Language Arts and 67% for Math (This is a 5% increase in proficiency for each measure).
  • Growth in ELA, Math, and Science was shown. Wasatch can improve in growth.
  • Wasatch is ranked number 361 in all schools in Utah.
  • Behavior does impact learning. We discussed what parents can do to help with that. Second Step Curriculum is being used.

Other announcements

  • Principal’s Club – This month, go down to the basement of old Wasatch (maybe allow them to sign their names), early Trick-or-Treating
  • Open Time Capsule in January in new building
  • New school is on track, teachers are packing up now, doing it in waves, trying to push for a little more time for teachers (not sure if that will be approved).
  • Legislature discussion – we can send information to the community

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