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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Members Present

  • Jayne Wells – 2nd Grade Teacher
  • Janna Hart – 4th Grade Teacher
  • Ruth Ann Snow – Principal
  • Lauren Moon – Instructional Coach
  • Joy McMurray (left early)
  • Lacy Forston 
  • Amelia Dunlap
  • Cate Grantham
  • Sara Wursten 
  • Emilie Nelson

New School Concerns

  • Concern 1: Intersection at Locust and Briar. Ask for an extra crosswalk and/or stop sign. Then if they say no, possibly moving crosswalk from Cherry to Locust.
  • Concern 2: Oak Cliff – tell students to get off their bikes and walk because it’s so steep. Add a possible bike line?
  • Concern 3: Do we need a concrete barrier (coming down from the Y trail, on 1450 on the west side)?
  • Concern 4: Everyone south of 700 N might need a crosswalk somewhere on 700 N. (Figure out how many students this impacts).
  • Concern 5: Parents are going to want to park across the street from the school at the church and walk across the street, but there is no crosswalk.
  • Concern 6: Drop off and pick up procedures. Do we want to use both pick up places if we don’t have buses? We need to figure out when the buses are going to be there.
  • Concern 7: There are some families who don’t qualify for buses this year because they are within 1.5 miles of the old school, but they will be more than 1.5 miles from the new building. What do we do with them?
  • Concern 8: Oak Mount – Discourage parents from parking on Oak Mount (parents cannot park on the east side of the school).
  • Other: Faculty parking – north side. East gate will be unlocked in the morning so students can cut through. 

Approve the minutes from last month

  • Lacy Forstron – Propose to accept the minutes Sara Wursten- Second

Digital Safety

  • Mary James made some digital safety lessons for teachers to teach in the classroom. Parents will be notified of these lessons.

Parent Input Survey

Reviewed the parent input responses from the survey. Wasatch Parent Input Survey Data


  • If you have pictures, Heather Kelley has a folder with pictures throughout the year for the yearbook.

Things to Consider

  • Parent Meetings at the beginning of the year: Next year, we can hand out parent guides and a page explaining where the student is supposed to be at the beginning of the year. Don’t wait until SEPs.
  • Streamline DLI emails (so parents are only getting one email)
  • How to check your child’s work completion
  • Should kids come to PTCs or not?
  • Have an open ended question for each major section of the survey
  • Find some more options for outside recess (chess, checkers, Connect Four, Spikeball)
  • Change the way the weekly principal emails go out
  • Homework – too much (especially in younger Chinese grades). Reinforcement % needs to be looked at. Homework on an as needed basis instead of blanket giving homework.
  • Private tutors for Chinese students – not equitable
  • Plan to change next meeting time (avoid first week in new school)

Special Activities Tuesday, March 25 - International food tasting (lunchtime activity) Thursday, March 27 - International country tattoos and face painting (lunchtime activity) Friday, March...

Safety and Security Updates Sinkhole in South Parking Lot: Located in the west corner of the lot. Engineers assessed it and confirmed it is not an engineering issue. Initially, a gush...

Yearbooks ($25) are available now – April 11. Yearbooks include pictures of students and Wasatch Staff, as well as pictures from various activities throughout the year and a page for students to...
