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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Review of Safety and Security Plan

Must be tighter than we have been regarding security 8:10 District Alignment open time Check in physically to check out students We need evacuation backpacks- not emergency buckets Backpacks include specialized items but we will have this in the new building. Can PAWS help? Question about walking in to west entrance instead of east entrance We have a way for kids to get in back way without leaving doors open Discussion on stranger entering building Can we provide for needs during the Christmas fundraiser (new building, backpacks etc)? Mary shared the safety plan – reviewed MERT, drills, Armed Guardian (concerns from parents – told to talk to legislature), and safety walk (old and new building).

Community Council Minutes

Turned to Emilie: Intros Amelia Dunlap- Parent Janna Hart- Teacher Kyle Kelley-Parent Ruth Thomas -Parent Wayne Levitt -Parent Lacy Forsten -Parent Joy McMurray-Parent Cate Grantham -Parent Emilie Nelson -Parent Sara Wursten-Parent Kellie Byars- social worker Lauren Moon – Instructional Coach Mary Allison James – assistant principal Ruth Ann Snow – principal Jayne Wells -teacher – absent

Positives of Wasatch-Dance festivals, DLI, community school, BYU accessible, bike, teachers, history of the school, focus on character ed., student body are good for own children, unified student body, and connected staff. All emphasized by various intro’s

Emilie: Rules of Order and Procedure review

We don’t have a lot of time to add on public comment but we want to be aware of this and still allow for it Maybe add a line for public comment Posted on website the week before and reminded with agenda to Council Also will be in newsletter Members declare conflict of interest at the beginning of meeting clause added No additional suggestions for changes were made.

Vote and Approve Document: Sara moved to approve vote on rules of orders and procedures as discussed- seconded and unanimously approved. Motion passes unanimously

Select new counsel chair: Can we renominate Emilie? Lacy nominates Emilie, is seconded Discussion as well Formal Vote: Proposed Emilie as Chair

Emilie is voted in as Chair Sara Wursten nominated, and seconded Motioned to vote for Sara Wursten for vice chair Sara is unanimously voted in as Vice Chair

Discussion initiated by Emilie on amending Trustland Goals:

Joy reviewed current Goals Breakdown on the goals and why proposed amendment: Ruth Ann

  • RISE Assessment and looking at all students and proficiency and growth
  • School Improvement Plans should mirror Trustlands Plan goals
  • Budget Expenditures- not using funding for .5 FTE and budgets have drastically changed (COVID and other funds are gone). Paras now are more expensive.
  • Budget Realities- district FTE allotment has covered us this year. We will not be able to staff the same next year.

Proposing we pay 3-4 interventionist (was previously a back up plan) Interventionists are both Lit and Math

Proposed amendment to Goals Goal 1 Increase the percentage of students meeting proficiency on RISE ELA by 5%. Goal 2 Increase the percentage of students meeting proficiency on RISE Math by 5%. Measurements for Goal #1

Measurement Methods and Action Plan- reviewed- Ruth Ann See SCC Presentation

Kyle Motioned proposal approval, seconded Unanimously approved and passed.

Joy stayed after to discuss safe routes We turn in requests for safe routes before November

Map presented considering road grade, widths, residences and pathways to school, and sidewalk and crosswalk additions and traffic patterns and speeds. Barriers and structural integrity and potential vehicle accidents impacting school discussed. Engineers working on current residential development are discussing crosswalks and sidewalks.

Cross walk on 1450 east by dip sign approved. Often it is a $30k cost to the city because of requirements for sidewalks and other requirements.

Mile and a half radius for busing requirements but no gradient requirements. Only two students who meet this criteria. No funding for so few outside of walking distance. There are hazardous roads that we also would be impacted that include about 30-45 students we currently have bussing for. We may get one hazardous bus route. But we want to make the route safe for students.

Discussion of Hillsdale road and liability for residents. Concerns discussed with main entrance requirements and security. Question on covered stairs. Joy will check Proposed that students coming from east can come through campus after using the central bike rack and then enter through the main entrance. Question about legality of students using ebikes, speed, helmets, etc Proposed addition of bike rack in rock area. Joy will discuss with Kyle Bates. Additional question about ADA entrances and parking.


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Special Activities Tuesday, March 25 - International food tasting (lunchtime activity) Thursday, March 27 - International country tattoos and face painting (lunchtime activity) Friday, March...

Safety and Security Updates Sinkhole in South Parking Lot: Located in the west corner of the lot. Engineers assessed it and confirmed it is not an engineering issue. Initially, a gush...
