Last modified: September 17, 2024
First Grade Music
I can…..
- Keep a steady beat
- Sing in my high ringy voice
- Sing in tune
- Hear the difference between high and low sounds
- Tap rhythms with “ta” and “ti-ti” (quarter notes and eighth notes)
- Derive rhythms from songs I know
- Move my body to music
- Write rhythms with quarter notes and eighth notes.
- I can identify and write barlines, double barlines, and time signatures.
- I can hear and identify which notes are high and which are low.
- I can sing songs with sol and mi.
- I can write rhythms with a quarter rest.
Learning Sol and Mi
Our first experience sight reading!
(They learned and sang this all on their own!)
Christmas Unit: O Tannenbaum!
We learned how to sing the song, “O Christmas Tree” in German, and learned about Christmas in Germany.