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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Wasatch Announcements

Wasatch Elementary School Hours

Daily School Schedule: Monday – Thursday – 8:40 – 3:20, Friday – 8:40 – 1:30

Absentee Hotline

If your student is going to be late or absent from school please call the School Attendance Line at 801-374-4911 and leave a message detailing the absence before 8:45 am.

Wasatch Elementary Hours of Operation

Daily School Schedule 1ST-6TH GRADE M–Th 8:40 – 3:20 & Fri 8:40 – 1:30 FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-3:20 & F 8:40-1:30 HALF-DAY AM KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-11:45 & F 8:40-10:45

Wasatch News

Congratulations to all of the students who worked so hard on their stories for the writer’s Olympics! Here are the final results... 3rd grade 1st place—Monet Bradshaw 2nd place—Riley...

Congratulations to our 1st and 2nd place teams in the "fierce" 3rd vs 4th grade Battle of the Books battle that took place last week. 1st place (Will be competing in the District Battle of the...

We want to thank all the dads and father figures who volunteered at Wasatch last week. Your support greatly influences the lives of our students and has a meaningful impact on our community. Wasatch...

We are happy to announce that Doodle for Google is returning for its 16th year this January! If you aren't familiar, Doodle for Google is an annual contest where we invite students in grades K-12 to...

On Thursday, March 7th, the District is hosting its annual Elementary Choral Festival. Each elementary school choir has prepared one piece of music to share with the other elementary school choir...

Welcome to 2nd Grade! I am a proud graduate of Wasatch Elementary and am so happy to be back teaching at Wasatch. My husband and I are the parents of 5 awesome kids, and we love to spend time...

Welcome to 6th Grade! I have an associated in Math/Science. I think that Math is fun! I have 5 children, children in law and one grandchild. I like to paint, sew, and sleep in my "spare"...

Welcome to the 5th Grade I think sharks are fascinating!!! Right now my top three sharks are: Epaulette (can walk on its fins in tide pools and hunt while holding its breath for up to 40-ish...
