If your student is going to be late or absent from school please call the School Attendance Line at 801-374-4911 and leave a message detailing the absence before 8:45 am.
Wasatch Elementary Hours of Operation
Daily School Schedule 1ST-6TH GRADE M–Th 8:40 – 3:20 & Fri 8:40 – 1:30 FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-3:20 & F 8:40-1:30 HALF-DAY AM KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-11:45 & F 8:40-10:45
Picture Day is Quickly Approaching! School Name: Wasatch Elementary School - Provo Picture Day Date: Wednesday, September 20 Picture Day ID: EVTX8F2XT Ordering your pictures just got...
As we are gearing up for our Fall Festival on October 6th, 2023, we are now seeking extra hands to bring the festival's behind the scenes details to life. No need to worry, most of the groundwork has...
Hello Parents, Currently there are only 4 dancers enrolled in Social Dance for quarter 1. I would like to have at least 10 participants. Enrollment is open until this Friday, September 15. If we...
Parents! It’s a new school year and a new opportunity to apply or reapply for free and reduced meal benefits for the 2023-2024 school year on myschoolapps.com. Students who received free or...
Sodalicious punch cards only $24 (Available in the Office)! Save money and support Wasatch! 10—regular cookies for $24 10—32 oz and 2 flavor shots for...
We are very excited to have the opportunity to participate in America’s Battle of the Books again this year! If you are not familiar with the program, students will be divided into teams and will...
Discover the world of reading with the Sora app, now available to all families in the district! Whether your child uses a Chromebook or your family’s personal device, Sora opens the door to a...
We are excited about 2023/2024. We have attached our order form for all t-shirts, sweatshirts, and zipper hoodies. If you're interested in ordering, please be sure to complete the form below by...
Meetings are for parents, and not for students. 2:00 - 2:20: Orientation presentations Grades 1-6 2:20 - 2:30: Passing time 2:30 - 2:50: Orientation presentations Grades 1-6 2:50 - 3:00:...