If your student is going to be late or absent from school please call the School Attendance Line at 801-374-4911 and leave a message detailing the absence before 8:45 am.
Wasatch Elementary Hours of Operation
Daily School Schedule 1ST-6TH GRADE M–Th 8:40 – 3:20 & Fri 8:40 – 1:30 FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-3:20 & F 8:40-1:30 HALF-DAY AM KINDERGARTEN M-Th 8:40-11:45 & F 8:40-10:45
Each summer, Camp Big Springs provides 5th grade students in Provo City School District with a one-of-a-kind camping and outdoor education experience. By taking advantage of the unique lab setting...
Shawtelle Gale commutes from Heber each school day to teach music at Wasatch Elementary. Mrs. Gale enjoys learning to play instruments and watching her family participate in marching band. She said,...
The Wasatch Social Dance Club is taking applications for students to perform the Cha-Cha at the end of year Dance Festival. You and a partner must submit your application by March 24th. Practices...
Utah Valley University Campus, Saturday, April 8th, 2023, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in the UVU LA Main Floor Hallway See a REAL BRAIN Build a neuron See how neurons communicate Learn how your...