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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Last modified: March 10, 2025

Student Drop off and Pick Up Procedures

Dear Parents, Student, family, and staff safety is one of our biggest concerns at Wasatch. We have noticed many incidents recently which put students, staff, and vehicles at risk during our carpool pick up and drop off. We would like to clarify how this process works in order to help our community stay safe and all drop off/pick-ups done in a timely manner. Please refer to the map and instructions. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students and families safe!

  • Enter through the south gate.
  • Pull as far forward as possible.
  • Pick up/drop off along the building ONLY. No students should enter/exit the car until the car is stopped in the northern most carpool area (indicated with green in the picture above).
  • Students waiting for a ride should do so along the side of the building.
  • Once in the green area where pick up/drop off is allowed, please continue to pull as far forward as possible to avoid gaps in the line.
  • Exit through the north gate.
  • Please do not park anywhere along the yellow lines indicated above.
  • If you need to park/leave your vehicle, please do so at the front of the school in designated parking stalls.

We appreciate all of our Wasatch parents and students’ patience as we work through our ‘growing pains’ in the interest of our students’ safety.

Sincerely, Jess Hansen, Principal

Also note:

  • All carpool traffic will funnel through our two areas at the main entrance and the south playground areas.
  • Walking and biking students may access the Wasatch Too building through doors at the northeast and south of the school. Theses doors will be locked at 8:40 each morning.
  • The only remaining open door will be the main entrance at the front of the school, and will remain the only entrance throughout the school day.
  • If carpooling home, please arrange to pick up your child in one of the two carpool areas. We encourage neighborhood students to carpool together whenever possible.
  • Parking in the northeast lot of Wasatch Too will only be available to Wasatch Staff.

Wasatch Safe Walking Routes
