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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

We are very excited to have the opportunity to participate in America’s Battle of the Books again this year!

If you are not familiar with the program, students who have signed up are divided into teams and will work together to read all the books on the program booklist. The school library has several copies of each book on the list for students to take turns reading. They can also check them out from the Provo City Library, Sora, or online. Students may read these books in any format – online or physical books – as well as listen to them as an audiobook.

The students on each team will work together to read all of the books on their assigned booklist to begin competing in January. Teams will compete against each other to answer questions about the books and earn points until we have one 3rd/4th-grade team and one 5th/6th-grade team for the school. Those two teams will then compete against other elementary schools in a district-level competition in April.

This program is so much fun and students at any reading level can participate because the books range from easy picture books to harder chapter books. Students get really into the competition and it helps a lot with their reading comprehension– as they have to understand the material in the books in order to answer the questions properly. We hope that you will all support and encourage your students to participate in this fun program this year!

If you have any questions about the program please reach out to Mrs. Tanner and Mrs. Angie in the library and they will happily answer them for you!

How can your student prepare for Battle of the Books?

Make sure student has read or listened to their assigned books (ebook, library book, or audiobook)

Practice and memorize assigned books complete titles and authors full names

Search each assigned book on Quizlet, Quizizz online and go through quizzes you find.

When will the Battle of the Books take place?

BATTLES (Will Take Place During Normal Class times)

  • January 9-12—1st Round Battles
  • January 22-26—2nd Round Battles
  • January 29-February 2—3rd Round Battles

GRADE LEVEL BATTLES (Will Take Place in the Library)

  • February 3—6th grade @ 11:20-11:50
  • February 7—4th grade @ 9:15-9:45
  • February 15—5th grade @ 9:15-9:45
  • February 16—3rd grade @ 9:15-9:45

3RD VS 4TH & 5TH VS 6TH GRADE FINAL BATTLES (Will Take Place in the Library)

  • March 9th—3rd vs 4th @ 9:00 AM
  • March 9th—5th vs 6th @ 2:00 PM

TEACHER TEAM VS WINNING TEAMS (Will Take Place in the Gym)

  • April 13—5/6 vs.Teachers @ 1:00 
  • April 13—3/4 vs.Teachers @ 1:45


  • April 21st—during lunch 11:20-12:40

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