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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Wasatch Elementary is starting a new FATHER FIGURE volunteerprogram called Watch DOGS (dads of Great Students). We are going to kick it off with a pizza night for father figures and their kids on Wednesday the 26th of October. This will be a night of fun and information for dads and father figures. Look for a sign up to come home after fall break for you to attend the event so we know how much pizza to buy.  

Watch DOGS is a great program that promotes father figures to come into the school setting. We ask that you sign up for 1 day a year to come into the school and spend the day with your kids and other students.   

You will start off the day helping with morning supervision. You then get to go into your child’s classroom as well as several other classrooms during the day. We ask that you engage with the students and help the teacher out as much as possible. A few times a day you will do a security check of the school making sure doors are locked and that there are no people on the playgrounds that should not be there. You will also go on recess duty and eat with the student. This comes with a complimentary school lunch. You then end the day helping with supervision at the end of school. It is a packed day but a very fun day!  

This is a NATIONAL PROGRAM that has been successful all over the country. 

We are excited for you to be a part of our school and be a positive role model to our students at Wasatch Elementary. We hope to see you at Pizza night on the 26th at 6:00.

Dads Of Great Students aka WATCH D.O.G.S

  • Dads and Kids Pizza Night Event – Pizza, Drinks and Fun!
  • October 26th – 6-7:00
  • Blue Signup Flyer Coming home with oldest student TODAY
  • Please return bottom portion of the flyer by Friday.

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