Last modified: March 10, 2025
The Satch Patch
The Wasatch Honor Patch is the highest award you can earn. To qualify you must be in 3rd grade or above and meet all of the requirements on this application. Get the necessary signatures when you have completed each section. You are responsible to keep this application in a safe place. When it is completed, give it to Mrs. Snow no later than the last school day in April.
Service (90 minutes of community or home-based service)
- The student is responsible for own actions.
- The student has not been involved in any disciplinary action this school year.
- The student takes responsibility for classwork and homework.
- The student demonstrates the “B.A.R.K.” attributes in school (Be Resilient, Act Responsibly, Respect Yourself & Others, Keep Growing).
- The student maintains 85% achievement.
- The student maintains at least 90% attendance and is on time at least 90% of the time.
- Wasatch S.T.A.R. Reading Challenge: (STAR – Students Thrilled About Reading): Students in first-sixth grades can be in the Wasatch S.T.A.R. Reading Hall of Fame by completing the S.T.A.R. reading challenge for their grade/reading level. Their name and picture are posted in the library for recognition. Applications are available in the library.
- The Caldecott Reading Challenge: Open to all students to complete if they would like that opportunity.
- Great Brain: This is an independent study project selected by the child. This is done through intensive study over a period of weeks. Great Brain forms can be found in the Wasatch library.
- Battle of the Books: Students participate in teams to read from an assigned list of books and then compete with their peers to answer questions about the books. See the Wasatch library for more information.
- Choir: A madrigal-type concert choir, directed by Shawntelle Gale and Julianne Rensink, where Kodály music skills are essential in learning the repertoire is offered to fourth-sixth grade students. The choir learns advanced vocal skills and performs classical and folk music. No audition is required. They meet in the gym before school on Monday and Wednesday mornings.
- STEM Fair: Students in fourth – sixth grades can participate by preparing a display that describes a scientific project they did. A hypothesis, research conducted, and concluding facts must be presented.
- Art Show: Every Wasatch student displays art at this cultural highlight of the year. It is an enriching family event held the first or second Tuesday night in May.
- Band/Orchestra: Sixth grade students can participate in the band or orchestra that is intended to introduce them to brass and woodwind instruments and string instruments in preparation for middle school.
- Talent Show: Students can audition to be in the annual talent show held in February. PAWS will send a note with the details home with your child a couple of weeks ahead of time.
- Field Day: A fun filled morning in relay races, obstacle courses, tug-of wars, and feats of skill. It is held at Kiwanis Park in May. Parent volunteers direct all of the activities.
- End of Year Dance Festival: Held on the last day of school, every grade level performs a dance for parents and the community.
- Spelling Bee: Open to students in fourth-sixth grades held annually in the spring.
- Math Olympiad: Open to students in fourth-sixth grades who qualify and have the desire to delve deeper into math problem solving and competing on a grade level team.
3rd Grade Requirement
- Set one academic goal with your teacher.
- Regularly track your progress.
- When you have achieved your goal, have your teacher sign it off on the application.
- Reflect on the goal and how you achieved it. Include what your goal was, how you achieved it and how you kept growing even when it may have been difficult.
- Write down your reflection and submit it with your application
4th & 5th Grade Requirements
- Set two academic goals with your teacher (consider one goal for the first quarter of school and one goal for the third quarter of school).
- Regularly track your progress.
- When you have achieved your goals, have your teacher sign it off on the application.
- Reflect on the goals and how you achieved them. Include what your goals were, how you achieved them and how you kept growing even when it may have been difficult.
- Write down your reflection and submit it with your application.
6th Grade Requirements
- Set two academic goals with your teacher (consider one goal for the first quarter of school and one goal for the third quarter of school).
- Regularly track your progress.
- When you have achieved your goals, have your teacher sign it off on the application.
- Reflect on the goals and how you achieved them. Include what your goals were, how you achieved them and how you kept growing even when it may have been difficult.
- Write a 5 paragraph essay about your reflections and submit it with your application.
SATCH Patch Application & Requirements