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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Dear Wasatch Parents:

The Wasatch Community Council has a total of 12 members: 8 parent or guardian members and 4 employee members, including the principal.  They serve a two-year term and fill placements of those who have served their two-year term at the end of each school year.

We are calling for the nomination of 3 parent/guardian members who would be willing to serve for the next two years beginning in July 1, 2021.

The responsibilities of the Community Council are as follows:                        

  • Develop the Wasatch School Improvement Plan that includes a Reading Achievement Plan.
  • Develop a School LAND Trust Plan that must be focused on the school’s most critical academic need to improve student achievement.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of staff development in cooperation with district professional development guidelines.
  • May assist with the child routing plan for safe travel to school (not required). Become knowledgeable about school issues in order to build a positive bridge to the community.
  • Attend at least 80% of the monthly meetings. The above list of responsibilities is not intended to be all-inclusive. The Council may assist the principal in other areas.

If you or someone you know would like to be nominated for these positions, please return the nomination form to the Wasatch office or submit your nomination through email ( by Friday, May 7th.

Voting will be held at Wasatch Elementary starting on May 21st if more than 3 people are nominated.


Paul Caldarella, Council Chair

Chris Fuhriman, Principal

Nomination Letter and Nomination Form.pdf


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