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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Box Tops for Wasatch

A huge thank you to everyone who redeemed box tops for tickets at the fall festival. So far this year, we’ve collected $470 in boxtops. Our goal is to earn $1,000 for our November 1st submission so please keep clipping and sending them in with your students. If we reach our goal there will be a donut hole party for the whole school! We will collect them until October 18th. When your child turns them into the box by the office, please put a slip of paper with their name and teacher in the baggie. We will be doing a weekly raffle drawing for a treat.

Box tops is changing to a digital system but will honor any clipped box tops until the expiration date. Please turn in ALL clipped box tops by Oct 18th instead of saving them for later.

Please PLEASE download the app! It only takes a few minutes to download the app and complete your profile. And it takes less than a minute to scan your receipts after you purchase items with boxtops. It’s SO MUCH easier than clipping! But we need everyone to download the app and get in the habit of scanning receipts for it to be successful.

Click here to visit Box Tops 4 Education website for details on How to Earn using the new Box Tops 4 Education app.

Click here to visit the Box Tops 4 Education FAQs page with more information. This link also gives you instructions if you order your groceries online.

Your children will bring home a flier sometime in the next week. Please sign it and send it back with them once you’ve downloaded the app. The class with the most downloaded apps will win a pizza party!! If you have more than one student at Wasatch you can sign and send back a form for each child. You can get bonus entries for your student if a grandparent, neighbor, or other family members download the app and link it to Wasatch.

Thanks for helping to earn money for the school by clipping and now scanning your receipts!

PAWS Fundraising


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