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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Home Study Update

As elementary schools move into Phase 2, there have been many questions about the Home Study option for students. The home study option will not go away and nobody will be forced out of the Home Study Option. However, as we have moved farther into the school year, there have been some challenges related to the Home Study option that require some clarifications and adjustments.

Moving forward, any new students desiring to enter the Home Study option should meet with their principal. We realize that there are many families that are dealing with other extenuating circumstances or concerns. No viable request will be denied. The principal will be able to review all options available and help families identify the option that works best for their needs.

While Home Study has served an important role for some students that have needed to quarantine or miss in-person instruction. Students that have been required to miss school have been able to remain current in their classes during this time. We remain concerned however about the number of students that are not participating or are participating at a very minimal amount. Teachers are working to create lessons for the students and doing so for students who do not participate is a burden upon them.

We are committed to providing our students with a quality education during this extraordinary time and to work with families to navigate individual needs. Please reach out to your school’s administration with any questions or concerns you may have.

Rationale for Move to Phase II

Some questions have arisen recently about why, in an Orange designation for Provo, the Provo City School District Board of Education felt reasonably comfortable moving toward a Phase II for elementary schools effective Sept. 28. Here are the considerations the Board looked at, and which influenced their decision.

Our in-school data has shown itself to be reliable and steady, with extremely low case counts throughout the district. The Board is not aware of any elementary school in the state that has had to close due to COVID cases. Elementary schools in other districts are, in most cases, in school more days per week than in Provo and yet their numbers are also very low. The State Superintendent recently explained that the Governor’s recent Orange designation was directed at the local communities, not toward school districts.


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