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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Dear Wonderful Wasatch Parents,

Your generosity for this year’s Giving Tree went above and beyond our wildest expectations. We are incredibly proud of our community, who pulled together and made this happen. Every single donation contributed to these totals. Every single one of you made a difference. These amounts will go directly to the classrooms and to your students through math and science items, STEM kits, games, books, field trips, Medieval Feast/archery arrows, and more.

Since our goals were reached (at least $1,000 for each grade level), we will NOT be holding a Spring Fundraiser.

Again, thank you for your donations and for making Wasatch “The Best School in the Land”.

-The PAWS Presidency


Totals from the Giving Tree 
Grade Level Total Earned Total left to earn
Kindergarten $1,020.00 -$20.00
1st Grade $1,000.00 $0.00
2nd Grade $1,010.00 -$10.00
3rd Grade $1,040.00 -$40.00
4th Grade $1,050.00 -$50.00
5th Grade $1,065.00 -$65.00
6th Grade $1,100.00 -$100.00
Totals $7,285.00 -$285.00b

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