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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Come learn how to use a Chinese Yo Yo from 2 professional teachers visiting us from Taiwan. Learn new tricks or improve your skills.

Su Ma Ma Chinese club is so honored to announce our special service project: Chinese Yoyo CampChinese club service agenda Jan: 3 weeks Chinese yoyo Camp Feb 9th: Chinese Club semi Annual party: Chinese New Year Party April: China trip May- June: LEAF Taiwan Trip July: Chinese Summer Camp 7/8-7/11 and 7/ 15-18 Fall: Semi Annual party

What is the membership fee? Membership fee: $15/year for the first child, $13 second child. $40 for family discount for 3 and above.

What does Su Ma Ma Chinese Club membership fee include? Su Ma Ma Chinese Club membership fee includes: 1. Free admittance to semi-annual club activities, etc. 2. Chinese book club or fun lessons with discount price. 3. Discount on the Chinese Summer Camp 4. Supports our club service project: International pen pal services and Chinese library. 5. Opportunity for students to participate in service hours and cultural exchange program.

What are membership fees used for? We try to use as many volunteers as possible. However, nothing comes free. The membership fees help our club service provide quality and safe events.

For now, 100% of our membership fees are used on party location rental, food, materials, and insurance. Mostly, rental fee and insurance fees. If you like our learning ideas, please invite your friends to join us and help us being strong. We are hoping our Summer Camp income can cover the shortage of our yearly insurance.

Can parents help? Yes, Yes Yes! We need help in many ways, for example creating more service project and ideas during cultural exchange program. We also need help finding host families for cultural exchange program. We also need help in fundraising. We have lots of great ideas and resources. But we can’t do without your help.

Su Ma Ma Chinese Club Special Chinese yoyo Camp Signups


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