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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Join Us As We Gather As Wasatch Parents

Jayne Wells–President and Co-President Cindy McQueen are serving as PAWS Co-Presidents this year, and they are interested in meeting you! Come join them at an informal picnic lunch on Friday, September 27, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. at Kiwanis Park (near the small playground — younger children welcome!) Bring your lunches, and come let us meet you, and have a chance to connect with other Wasatch parents! Everyone is welcome, so come, and bring a friend!


Remember…right side together hop, left side together hop? Want to join the Alumni Maypole and perform on the last day of school? We will hold practice after school on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23...

We want to thank all the dads and father figures who volunteered at Wasatch last week. Your support greatly influences the lives of our students and has a meaningful impact on our community. Wasatch...

We are having an open house for Mr Fuhriman, Mr Porter, and Ms Berges to say "Thanks" and "Goodbye." Open House May 16th 3:30-4:30 Wasatch Library We need cookie donations If you are...
