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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Welcome, we are excited for your child to join Wasatch Elementary!

Registration is a 3-step process, mainly done online. This link will provide information regarding the registration of your incoming Kindergarten student. Children who will be 5 years old ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 are eligible for enrollment. 

Kindergarten Packet 2020

2020 Orientation Dates and Time

Wasatch  |  374.4910  |  Friday, March 20  |  1:30-3:30  |  Library

School Schedule

  • Monday through Thursday 8:40 – 3:20
  • Friday 8:40 – 1:30

Kindergarten Schedule

  • AM Monday through Thursday 8:40 – 11:45
  • PM Monday through Thursday 12:20 – 3:20
  • Friday Shortened Schedule
  • AM Friday 8:40 – 10:45
  • PM Friday 11:30 – 1:30

Things you can do to prepare your student for kindergarten

  • Encourage your child to be cooperative, responsible, independent, and curious; to describe needs, feelings and events; and to manage emotions. These abilities help make school easier.
  • Help motivate your child by sharing your positive thoughts about the exciting changes ahead. Be confident and supportive to help your child feel less nervous.
  • Use numbers: play counting games, compare ages, keep score, measure things-time, sizes amounts.
  • Read books together. Talk about the story and pictures to help our child learn language.
  • Play with ABC’s, find letters in signs, practice writing letters, ask how letters sound, make words with blocks.
  • Do art projects. Give your child markers, paints, paper, paste and other supplies to use. Display the results!
  • Encourage free play. This helps build your child’s imagination and problem-solving skills.
  • Make play dates with your child’s future schoolmates. It can help to get friendships started early.
  • Encourage helpful habits: set a regular time to pick up playthings, stick to a schedule, practice following directions.
  • Promote a love of reading: read aloud with your child, ask questions about the stories, set aside a quiet reading time, turn off the TV and other distractions, have books available in your home, to to the library often.
  • Discuss any fears and encourage discussion. Let your child talk to you about his or her fears or feelings. Be reassuring and tell your child that you everything will be fine. Do all you can to help your child feel happy and confident about school. Keep a positive attitude. If you look forward to the first day of school, your child will probably do the same.

Remember…right side together hop, left side together hop? Want to join the Alumni Maypole and perform on the last day of school? We will hold practice after school on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23...

We want to thank all the dads and father figures who volunteered at Wasatch last week. Your support greatly influences the lives of our students and has a meaningful impact on our community. Wasatch...

We are having an open house for Mr Fuhriman, Mr Porter, and Ms Berges to say "Thanks" and "Goodbye." Open House May 16th 3:30-4:30 Wasatch Library We need cookie donations If you are...
