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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Monthly safety tips brought to you by Flickinger, Sutterfield, & Boulton (a sponsor of our STAR Reader reading program this year) UTAHINJURYLAWYERS.COM.

Everyone loves a good scare on Halloween, but not when it comes to the safety of those little trick-or-treaters. Fortunately, there are lots of easy things parents and kids can do to stay safe on the spookiest of holidays. 

Hard Facts about Halloween Safety

On average, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year.

Top Tips for Halloween Safety

  1. Carry glow sticks or flashlights, use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags, and wear light colors to help kids see and be seen by drivers.
  2. Join kids under age 12 for trick-or-treating.
  3. Slow down and be alert! Kids are excited on Halloween and may dart into the street. Turn on headlights early in the day to spot kids from further away.
  4. Remind kids to cross the street at corners or crosswalks.
  5. When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls. Choose face paint over masks when possible. Masks can limit children’s vision.

Halloween Safety Flyer.pdf


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