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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Dear Parents and Students, Over the past few weeks we have experienced several safety concerns at Wasatch. These incidents were, in large, centered around inappropriate items brought to school. Mrs. Hansen and I have visited each classroom during the past two weeks and talked with students about items that should not be coming to school.

At the home front, please encourage our younger students not to bring to school weapon look-alikes such as toy guns and swords. Keep pocketknives, leatherman tools, etc., under lock and key so our young folk aren’t tempted to bring them to school to show their friends and classmates.

Also, please talk with your students about not bringing anything they cannot afford to lose – such as electronics, money, and even something that means a lot to them such as a favorite stuffed animal, etc. Each time items come up missing it takes a lot of time and emotional unrest from a class as we attempt to recover items. We want our school to be a safe environment where students can focus on learning rather than the heartbreak of a lost item.

We care deeply about the physical and emotional safety of our Wasatch students. We want to ensure that Wasatch is a safe place for each student to learn and feel happy coming to school. Please review our safety procedures with your family and help your children understand what is, and what is not, appropriate to bring to school.

Sincerely, Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Hansen


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