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Provo City School District

Wasatch Elementary School

Last modified: August 14, 2024

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1st & 2nd grade Mandarin Matrix Vocabulary

1. Mandarin Matrix 故事花园 (Main Instructional Material)

2. Level Learning(Speaking + Reading Practice Platform)

3. Mrs. Shih’s Chinese Quizlet 施老师的中文Quizlet

3A. 1st grade study sets

1.  复习一 Review 1: Mandarin Matrix 1st Grade

2.  复习二 Review 2: Mandarin Matrix 1st Grade

3. 复习三 Review 3: Mandarin Matrix 1st Grade

4. 复习四 Review 4: Mandarin Matrix 1st Grade

5. 故事花园 Mandarin matrix 1st Grade Vocabulary

3B. 2nd grade study sets

6.  故事花园 Mandarin matrix 2nd Grade Vocabulary

7.  故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-1.1 我们可不可以坐下? Can We Sit Down?

8.  故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-1.2 上楼梯 Going Upstairs

9.  故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-1.3 玩滑梯 Playing on the Slide

10. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-2.1 我的小马在哪里?Where’s My Little Horse?

11.  故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-2.2 我们可以坐哪里?Where Can We Sit?

12.故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-2.3 你的朋友在哪里?Where is Your Friend?

13. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-3.1 玩水 Playing in the Water

14. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-3.2 男生跟女生是朋友 Boys and Girls are Friends

15. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-3.3 水娃娃 Water Friends

16. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-4.1 我喜欢吃 I like to Eat

17. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-4.2 玩沙 Playing in the Sand

18. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-4.3 几条大虫?How Many Big Worms? 

19. 故事花园 Mandarin Matrix G1-5.1 生日惊喜 Birthday Surprise

20. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-5.2 捉迷藏 Hide and Seek

21. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-5.3 谁跟妹妹看书 Who Will Read with Little Sister?

22. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-6.1 不可以玩雪 No Playing with the Snow!

23. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-6.2 雪人 Snowman

24. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-6.3 老师说 Teacher Says

25. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-7.1 跟爸爸玩 Playing with Dad

26. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-7.2 谁的钱包 Whose Wallet is This?

27. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-7.3 探险 Nature Walk

28. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-8.1 小狗去学校 Dog Goes to School

29. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-8.2 放学回家 Home from School

30. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-8.3 老学校 Visiting the Old School

31. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-9.1 钓鱼 Going Fishing

32. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-9.2 机器人 Robot

33. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-9.3 谁来帮爸爸 Who Will Help Dad?

34. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-10.1 父亲节 Father’s Day

35. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-10.2 妈妈不在家的时候 When Mom is not Home

36. 故事花园Mandarin Matrix G1-10.3 快乐的一天 a Happy Day



2nd Grade Math Essentials二年级数学主要学习标准

term 1

-2NBT2 count to 1000, skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s

-2NBT3 read & write numbers to 100

-2OA3 determine odd or even number

2NBT1 -understand digits of 3-digit number are 100’s, 10’s & 1’s

-2NBT3 read & write numbers to 100

-2NBT4 compare two 3-digit numbers

-2NBT8 mentally add 10 mentally subtract 10

-2OA1 Add & subtract 1- & 2 step problem

-2OA2 fluency add & subtract within 20

term 2

-2NBT5 fluently add & subtract to 100 -2OA1 add & subtract 1- & 2-step problems

-2NBT6 add four 2-digit numbers

-2NBT9 explain addition and subtraction strategies

-2NBT6 add four 2-digit numbers

-2NBT9 explain addition and subtraction strategies

-2NBT5 fluency add & subtract to 100

-2OA1 Add & subtract 1- & 2 step problem

term 3

-2NBT7 add w/ regrouping & simple subtract w/o regrouping within 1000

-2NBT9 explain addition and subtraction strategies

-2MD7 Tell and write time to 5 minutes, am, pm, digital, analog

-2MD8 Solve word problems with dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies using symbols

-2MD1 measure length of object w/ appropriate tools

-2MD3 estimate lengths

-2MD5 solve word problems using addition and subtraction

-2MD6 represent whole numbers on a number line and sums and differences

-2MD4 measure and compare lengths

-20A1 add & subtract 1- & 2-step problems

term 4

-2MD10 draw a picture graph and bar graph with up to four categories

-2G1 recognize & draw shapes w/ given attributes

-2G3 partition circles & rectangles into equal shares & describe them as halves, thirds & fourths

-2G2 partition rectangle into rows and columns of same size squares

-2OA4 ​find total number of objects in 5 by 5 arrays

-20A1 ​add & subtract 1- & 2-step problems
